
Federated Farmers Submission on the Proposed Opotiki District Plan

Federated Farmers Submission on the Proposed Opotiki District Plan focuses mostly on the planning approach to indigenous vegetation with a high proportion of the Opotiki District being identified as an Outstanding Natural Feature or Landscapes. We propose that a new Rural Zone issue is needed acknowledging the principle purpose of the rural zone is to provide for primary production, and protecting a "right to farm" principle. Primary production is vital to the Opotiki District and needs to be enabled in all its forms in rural zones. 

The effects arising from legitimate primary production activities need to be recognised in the District Plan as being appropriate and acceptable, ensuring that primary production is protected from reverse sensitivity. There is no other zone where primary production can occur, so it is vital that is not marginalised from the Rural Zone.

For more, please see the full submission, supplement, further submission, and member advisories