
Federated Farmers Submission to Whangarei District Council District Plan Changes 85, 85A-D, 86A & B, 81, 102

This Federated Farmers submission covers PC85, 85A-D, 86A & B, 87 and 102 proposed changes to the District Plan..

Federated Farmers of New Zealand is a primary sector organisation that represents over 17,000 farming and other rural businesses.  Federated Farmers has a long and proud history of representing the needs and interests of New Zealand farmers.

Farmers want a draft Regional Plan that:

•           Is based on robust scientific evidence
•           Balances environmental, social and economic values
•           Ensures rules are equitable, cost-effective, pragmatic and effects-based
•           Is written in plain English and follows a clear, user-friendly format
•           Acknowledges and rewards the positive impacts farming has on conservation
•           Recognises the importance of collaborating with communities to achieve desired environmental outcomes.

Federated Farmers generally supports the proposed changes to the Whangarei District Plan. It is understood that the proposal aims to:

•           Protect the viability of primary production in the District;
•           Reduce reverse sensitivity caused by ‘city dwellers’ moving into the country;
•           Recognise existing lifestyle blocks and provide rural living opportunities in the most appropriate places;
•           Consolidate commercial, residential and community facilities / activities within a rural village setting.

However, Federated Farmers remains concerned at some aspects of the proposed changes, these are detailed in detail in the submission.