
Federated Farmers Feedback to Clutha District Council on the Representation Review Discussion Document

- Federated Farmers appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to Clutha District Council’s Representation review discussion document.
- Specific representation of rural and primary sector interests at the Council table is of significance to the District’s farmers and rural communities, because council decisions can significantly impact these areas.
- As a general view, we consider a purely population basis for representation is not appropriate for the District, which is comprised of centralised and relatively populated urban areas, combined with geographically dispersed and relatively low population rural areas.

Federated Farmers considers the current wards represent specific and distinct ‘communities of interest’, which continue to warrant specific representation. However, we acknowledge the current number of councillors, at 14 councillors elected on a ward basis, and the Mayor elected at large, is a large number given the population of the District. On balance, we consider the benefits of the current representation arrangements outweigh the potential benefits of a reduction in the number of councillors. However, we consider the benefits of a smaller number of councillors should be investigated through the official consultation process.

In terms of the options proposed in the Discussion Document, Federated Farmers:
1. Prefers the retention of the status quo.
2. Is open to a discussion on a reduced number of councillors (from 14 to 9), provided this continues to provide effective representation of the District’s rural communities of interest.
3. Considers there is little justification to move towards a mixed model, unless it is developed in a way that retains relative representation of the District’s rural communities of interest and considers a reduction in the number of councillors.
4. Is opposed to an ‘at large’ system.

For more information, please see the full feedback document