
Federated Farmers submission for Otago Regional Council Long Term Plan

Water Quantity and Deemed Permits – Federated Farmers supports the intention to appropriately fund this activity leading up to the 2021 deadline. We note these activities are funded through reserves, with no rating impact.

Rural Water Quality Towards 2020 – We agree with the proposal to roll the ERA programmes out to all catchments across the region given the water plan obligations farmers will face by 2020.

Pest Management Plan – We also consider a review of the existing plan is timely, and we support the approach to reviewing pest management in the region.

Rates and Rating impact
- Federated Farmers largely supports Council’s targeted approach to funding activities.However, Council’s rating model indicates that for many farming ratepayers, the increase in the total amount of General Rates paid alone will exceed the total rates bill (including all rates) paid by many residential ratepayers. This is not a fair reflection of the relative benefit derived from Council’s spending, particularly given the other costs Council is imposing on the rural sector (including fees, user charges, and more direct regulatory costs. We ask Council to review its policy of recovering 25 percent of the General Rate through the UAGC, in the process of developing the 2019 Annual Plan Long Term Plan.

For more information please refer to the complete submission.