
Submission on Proposed Code of Welfare for Pigs and Associated Regulations

Federated Farmers of New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to submit to the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee on the Proposed Code of Welfare for Pigs and Associated Regulations. 

Federated Farmers has a keen interest in the welfare of all farmed animals, and we have a strong membership base across all farming sectors in New Zealand.   

Federated Farmers considers that a vibrant, well-functioning and competitive rural sector is an essential plank in the economic, and wider wellbeing of the whole country. 

The rural economy is a complex web of interrelated industries of which the pork industry is an integral part. New Zealand pork producers not only supply high quality ethically grown food to New Zealand consumers but do so using feed most of which is locally grown on New Zealand farms. 

To ensure that livestock farming can continue to be part of the life blood of rural and provincial communities it is essential that the regulatory regime in which they operate continues to promote high and animal welfare standards while remaining, sensible, practical, and affordable. New Zealanders simply cannot enjoy high standards or living and wellbeing without the contribution of the primary sector, and the farming of animals. 
Our full submission can be reviewed on the right. 

For further enquires or queries, please contact:
Phil Holland
Senior Policy Advisor
027 285 5265 
[email protected]