Meetings highlight Waikato PC1 impacts

In response to member requests and feedback, we've decided to hold two further meetings on Waikato's Plan Change 1.
Wednesday 15 November

Atiamuri Hall, 223 State Highway 30, Atiamuri, 11am-12.30pm
Arapuni Hall, 49 Arapuni Road, Arapuni, 3-4.30pm

Don’t miss these last chance opportunities to hear the facts and be aware of the impact the changes will have on your business.
Speaker: Dr Paul Le Miere, Regional Policy Manager Federated Farmers
Members and non-members welcome. Members have speaking rights.

Light refreshments will be provided at each meeting and there is plenty of parking available.
RSVP by Monday November 13 to help us plan catering.


What's PC1?

Plan Change 1 defines new rules requiring reductions of various farming discharges in the Waikato to improve water quality. Being the first of its kind under the NPS-FM directly addressing this, it's likely to set a precedent for freshwater rules for farmers nationwide. Read more

Am I in the PC1 Area?

See the map at the bottom of this email.

How PC1 may affect you 

Here's some examples of policies proposed in PC1 that we're fighting, and what they're likely to cost you if enacted:
Requiring resource consents: These may cost between $1k-50k per farm. Feds are trying to limit the number and severity of consents.
Stock exclusions: Some parties want 10m+ setbacks and also to capture all permanent, intermittent and ephemeral waterways on dairy and drystock land.
Costs for this are farm-specific but will be >$500k for some. 
Some parties want small wetlands >50m2 captured with 10m setbacks. This will lead to significant costs, losses of land and no compensation.
Farm Environment Plan preparations: $3k-$7k or more per farm depending on the plan type. Feds want these workable and implementable; losses of land area from these and other proposals affecting capital values are potentially in the millions. 
Read FAQ's about these & more

Donate to our legal costs

It's sad PC1 decisions have come at a time where farms are struggling and payouts are down across the board; we're just as frustrated with the system as you are.
We don't get to choose when to fight this - but we must if we're to secure the best chance of a workable future.
We need to raise $400,000 to cover our costs for the aforementioned five-week Environment Court hearing later this month.
If you're able to, you can donate to our PC1 campaign in the following ways:

  • by phone on 0800 327 646 (0800 FARMING),
  • by bank transfer to 03-0306-0626460-00 (use the reference “PC1”), or
  • online via the Federated Farmers donation page.


Kind regards
Keith Holmes
President, Waikato Federated Farmers

PC1 Area Map

Click here or below to search your address on an interactive map