Adverse event information and support for Farmers and Rural Communities





The Farmers Adverse Events Trust supports building resilience to adverse events in our rural communities. Resilience is the key to reducing the impact on our people, animals, infrastructure, and the wider economy.

To build resilience effectively we need to plan ahead and be ready.

Empowering our farmers, growers, and the rural community to be prepared for their own situation is essential, we want to be part of your journey.



Why are Federated Farmer involved in adverse events? 

Federated Farmers have always played an important role in adverse events. We really care about our farmers and rural communities so when an adverse event occurs, we get involved and do all we can to support them during and after an adverse event (Response & Recovery).  

We have members and provincial teams throughout all areas of New Zealand, therefore in a time critical event we can gather reliable and accurate intel and information, with a moment's notice, from those on the ground who are in the thick of it. This sets us apart from other organisations. 

What’s our role during an adverse event? 

Federated Farmers have an adverse event unit on standby 24/7, we closely monitor events as they unfold, calculate risks through our extensive network of 24 provincial teams throughout New Zealand. We also work closely with government agencies and other NGO’s.  

An adverse event is broken into the following two phases: 

In our response team we have team members experienced in crisis management that have up to date CIMs qualifications.  
Before and during an event our response unit calculates: 
  • Magnitude of the event (likelihood and scale of the physical impact)
  • Capacity of the community to cope (economic and social impact) 

We deploy our response unit and consult with: 
  • Our regional executive teams
  • Rural Support Trusts
  • Relevant regional and district councils
  • Local Civil Defence Emergency Management groups
  • Levy Industry organisations (B+LNZ, DairyNZ, Deer IndustryNZ etc.)
  • Government agencies
Here we coordinate a longer-term recovery effort that will restore economic and social health to rural communities safely and swiftly, we provide mentors or colleagues from rural backgrounds to talk over problems and advocate for financial assistance. 
We deploy our recovery unit and consult with: 
  • Our regional executive teams
  • Rural Support Trusts
  • Relevant regional and district councils
  • Farmy Army
  • Local Civil Defence Emergency Management groups
  • Industry organisations
  • Government agencies
  • Fire and Emergency New Zealand
  • Welfare Agencies: Red Cross, Rural Women and Churches
  • Contractors, Helicopter Operators

Help and Information/ Resources 

The DairyNZ website has tools and information for managing your dairy farm during various adverse events as well as tools on planning ahead.

They also have resources for farms experiencing low pasture growth due to high rainfall and how to future proof your system for coming seasons.   

Beef + Lamb New Zealand 
Beef + Lamb New Zealand has various Tool kits available on their website for drought, floods and Mycoplasma Bovis.  

They have additional information on animal welfare, supplementary feeding, and planning ahead.  


Staff Management 
If you find yourself in a position of financial hardship due to an adverse event you may need advice on what to do with staff if you can't continue to pay them during this period. For our members, you can call 0800 327 646 who can connect you to the Member Employment Lawyer free service.  

Alternatively, you can see the redundancy and other employment factsheets available on our Employment Guides ( page.  

For non-members, you can contact the Rural Support Trust for more advice and information or an independent lawyer.  

Government Support 
When adverse events occur certain recovery measures (depending on the scale of the event) are available.  

For more information on this assistance...


Resources & Factsheets

Adverse Events

Posted on 22/09/2021

Feed Plan for Unforeseen Events

Posted on 10/08/2021
Winter is not over yet and farmers need to bear in mind potential for snow or another extreme rainfall event in August or September. It’s a case of the old adage - hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Current Updates/ Advisories

Cyclone Impact Survey

Posted on 20/04/2023
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council are undertaking a survey to collect impact information from Cyclone Gabrielle

Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use

Posted on 21/03/2023
The Government announced on 23 February 2023 a Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use causing woody debris, including forestry slash, and sediment-related damage in the Gisborne and Wairoa districts.

CALL TO ACTION:- The Farmy Army Needs Your Help!!!! This weekend

Posted on 16/03/2023
Farmers in many regions across the North Island are feeling overwhelmed with the clean-up job and wider recovery in front of them

Cyclone recovery fund - don't miss your allocation

Posted on 15/03/2023
Applications for assistance from the Government's $51 million fund helping farmers, growers, and whenua Māori owners to re-establish their businesses in the wake of recent adverse weather events closes Monday March 20th.

Tararua Cyclone Update

Posted on 10/03/2023

Media Releases

Feds: Cyclone recovery should be prime focus for government

Posted on 15/02/2023
The government’s immediate injection of $4 million to help farmers, growers, whenua Māori owners and rural communities mobilise and co-ordinate cyclone recovery efforts is pleasing, Federated Farmers President Andrew Hoggard says.

Feds: Army must deploy to rural flood-hit communities

Posted on 27/02/2023
Federated Farmers CEO Terry Copeland has called on the Government to deploy the army to deter crime in rural areas of Coromandel, East Cape and Hawke's Bay

Feds matching stock feed needs with offers

Posted on 27/02/2023
Federated Farmers is urging farmers who need stock feed, and those willing to donate or supply it, to use the National Feed Co-ordination Service.

Feds message to isolated Tairawhiti Farms - you're not forgotten

Posted on 16/02/2023
We haven’t forgotten you - and we’re coming.