Feds backs the whio for Bird of the Year

4 November 2020

With voting open for the 2020 Bird of the Year, Federated Farmers are flapping their wings and quacking on to support the whio (blue duck) to take the title.

Feds backed the whio last year, and it placed 6th.

"The doughty whio embodies many things about the resilience of rural communities," Federated Farmers environment spokesperson Chris Allen says.

"And we are delighted to be flying in the same direction as our new Minister of Conservation Kiri Allen, who recently announced her public support for the whio.

"It’s a tough little guy/ gal. They work in ‘fowl’ weather and there aren’t too many of them - like farmers.

"We're confident that with Feds and our Minister of Conservation backing our native blue ducks, we can elevate them to the top of the flock."

There are fewer than 3000 whio left, so the easiest way to see one is to get hold of a $10 note.

Feds encourages everyone to get their ducks in a row and vote for the whio. Go to www.birdoftheyear.org.nz Voting closes on Sunday at 5pm.