
Building (Dam Safety) Regulations 2022 targeted consultation

Federated Farmers of New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to submit to the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) on the Building (Dam Safety) Regulations 2022 Targeted Consultation. Federated Farmers has been concerned about the cost impacts of regulations on low-risk dams owned by farmers and irrigators for what we consider to be little or no public benefit. As the consultation paper acknowledges it would appear there are now around 3,000 dams that will be captured by these thresholds – many more than earlier envisaged. Most of these will be farm and irrigation dams at the lower end of the thresholds and with the vast majority located in remote areas that would pose very low risk to the public, a risk that should be accepted. Excluding most of the 3,000 dams from the regulations will ensure the regulations focus on larger dams which by their nature are also often located closer to populations and infrastructure and so pose a greater risk to public safety. This will help focus scarce professional and technical resources where the need is greatest. 


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