
Federated Farmers Submission for Marlborough District Council Annual Plan 2017-18

Summary of submission points:

  • That Council pay immediate attention to transparency in the Draft Annual Plan, through the provision of example properties. 
  • That Council continue to keep rates increases and spending to a minimum and look to maximise efficiencies where possible over the coming few years. 
  • That Council review their Revenue and Financing Policy as part of consultation on the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan. 
  • That Council engage in consultation with the community on a shift to capital value rating. 
  • That Council adopt a rates remissions policy for anomalous and/or iniquitous rates increases. 
  • That Council should only use the general rate where there is a correlation between a ratepayer’s property value and the benefit they receive from the expenditure, or the amount the ratepayer contributes towards the need for the expenditure. 
  • That targeted rates are used where there is a direct link between who receives the benefit and the activity, that targeted uniform charges (UAGC) are used when everyone receives the same benefit from an activity and that Council seek to increase the use of the UAGC to as close to the statutory maximum as possible 

For more information please see the full submission document​