Federated Farmers Submission for Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan


The preferred average rates increase for 2018/19 will be 5.5% and that the increases will ease back over the 10-year life of the LTP. Our strong preference is for rates increases to be closer to the rate of inflation. However, we accept the preferred approach is a balance and that more spending would cause problems with debt-to-revenue ratios and that less spending would result in assets and service levels deteriorating. Provided the spending envisaged is appropriately prioritised and delivers value for money then we would support the Council’s preferred approach.

Federated Farmers recommendations overall

(a) all of the Council’s spending is prioritised and provides value for money, with core infrastructure having the highest priority.
(b) The Council proceed with its intention to investigate alternatives to property-based rates to fund its activities.
(c) Operating expenditure on metalling and drainage for rural roads be significantly increased, especially to enable more planned preventative maintenance.
(d) The Active Travel targeted rate should not apply to remote rural ratepayers and that instead the general rate contribution for roads should increase.

For more, please see the full submission