
Federated Farmers Submission for Environment Canterbury Long Term Plan

Federated Farmers appreciates the small decrease in operating expenditure (0.85%) for 2018/19 compared with 2017/18, and the relatively modest increases projected for the following 9 years (1.6% – 2.5%). We ask that Council constrains its expenditure increases to no greater than the rate of inflation for the 10 years of this LTP.

Total rates are projected to increase by 4.5% per year for the first 3 years of the LTP, before declining to about 2.5% from year 5. The greater increases initially are to restore reserves to levels consistent with council policy. Again we ask that council constrains its expenditure increases to no greater than the rate of inflation for the 10 years of this LTP, thereby reducing the need for rate increases, because any form of rate or user charge will impact on rate payers and ultimately the regional and national economies.

For more, see our full submission