Submission to the Central Hawke's Bay District Plan

Federated Farmers has lodged a submission to the proposed Central Hawkes Bay District Plan, to make sure it is practical for farmers. Council mapping of special areas over private land was a hot topic, with most of these falling on farmed properties and being subject to strict rules. 

- We submitted that any sites already protected by a QEII covenant or similar should not be classified as Significant Natural Areas (SNA's) and don't need district plan rules, because the goal of protection is already achieved. We also want vegetation clearance rules that allow clearance for: safety, fencing, stock crossings, tracks, pest/weed control, firebreaks and powerlines. 

Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes is another layer of mapping that disproportionately affects farmers, and we submitted that rules must allow existing farmers to continue without undue restrictions, and being recognised as being a positive aspect of the landscape. We oppose cultivation, harvesting and fence post holes being in the 500m3 limit as totally unnecessary, these activities should be unregulated and have no limit. 

- We wanted the Significant Amenity Features classification to be completely deleted, because they are unnecessary and will burden both the landowner and the Council for no benefit.

On the 28th of February 2022 Federated Farmers submitted a Statement of Evidence to the CHB DC, this can also be found to the right. 
To view the whole submission click opposite