
Submission on the Proposed future transport networks in Pukekohe, Paerata and south Drury 

Federated Farmers of New Zealand appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth’s Proposed future transport networks in Pukekohe, Paerata and south Drury consultation draft. 

The plan should aim to future-proof Pukekohe. 

Heavy vehicles are already having an impact on high-traffic areas, with many of these high-traffic areas identified as potential routes within the Pukekohe urban area. As our main service town grows and develops, the current proposed ‘Outer Ring Road’ will become further enclosed in residential development making it more difficult to move people and goods along proposed routes. We recommend the plan move this arterial route further away from residential areas, both current and future, to ensure it continues to serve its purpose for many years to come.

To view the full submission click opposite


Jacob Haronga
Senior Policy Advisor