Adverse Events

The impact of climate change and generally unpredictable weather in New Zealand, along with our geographical make-up and position along major earthquake fault-lines, means we are extremely vulnerable to adverse events such as floods, drought and earthquakes.

We're proud of the fact that our rural communities are the best at demonstrating resilience and recovery following an adverse event, yet our specialist needs such as animal welfare are often overlooked during an emergency. Federated Farmers has developed an excellent reputation in the response and management of adverse events, working alongside such organisations as the Rural Support Trust, MPI and Civil Defence.  We are often the first port of call during a response, with our members and staff providing a wide range of immediate support and long-term recovery planning. 

What's been happening

Submission: Hawkes Bay rural recovery works Order in Council

Posted on 19/07/2024
Federated Farmers of New Zealand writes in support of the proposed Order in Council enabling rural recovery works in Hawke’s Bay to continue.

Submission: Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision-making

Posted on 20/11/2023
Federated Farmers of New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Ministry for the Environment on the Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision-making (NPS) consultation document.

Submission on: The Emergency Management Bill

Posted on 13/11/2023
Federated Farmers of New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Governance & Administration Committee on the Emergency Management Bill.

Recent Submissions


Adverse Events Contacts